Albums you have to listen to: Populous’s Azulejos

I have always seen in Populous something ingenious, something that prompts me to say, today more than ever, that Andrea Mangia is driven by a powerful sound research, a strong spirit of inventing and reinventing himself, and a great perception of what the sounds convey, both sensuously and imaginatively. Azulejos is a mix of all these fantastic qualities that make this album the next step and the natural continuation of Night Safari, Populous emblem and manifesto of his sound conception.
The latest album of the producer is the confirmation of how the artist perceived and evolved the way of perceiving and perceiving the sounds. I’m talking about a product not only well-packaged, but well-worked, well thought out and well-meditated and proof and the test is Voz Serena, in my opinion the most complete track, where he moves from reggae to reggaeton passing through a sugarcoated techno that makes me think to a sophisticated experimentalism.